Ultimate Performance Advanced Neoprene Shin Support
The Ultimate Performance Advanced Neoprene Shin Support offers a staged progressive level of support. The shin support is made from a 2mm (deep) soft blend neoprene to help promote healing.
A 4-Way adjustable strap system overlays the base support and is fully adjustable, allowing for additional targeted support and compression to be applied. You can now target trigger points whilst also ensuring a comprehensive personalised fit.
The support provides targeted compression and support to the area's most requiring it, mimicking the support and action of key ligaments and tendons to reinforce them. The compressive element also stimulates blood flow which can help prevent the build-up of lactic acid during and post activity to reduce the prospect of cramp or stiffness whilst also being a valuable recovery/rehabilitation tool to injury.
Recommended for: calf muscle strains, shin splints and minor Achilles strains.